Intro ¦ Ratings ¦ Results ¦ Calculation ¦ Explanation

"Player A" is the player who at the time of playing had the highest rating of the two. The totals at the right refer to the total of points won or lost by a player on that day. So the player with the highest total is the winner of the day!

date player A player B gms A gms B pnt Apnt B
2025-02-06David WilsonRick Kriska13-1818
2025-02-06Bill McGimpseyRalph Mack23-1616
2025-02-06David WilsonMargie Alley316-6
2025-02-06Bill McGimpseyRick Kriska306-6
2025-02-06Bill McGimpseyMargie Alley31-77
2025-02-06Ralph MackRick Kriska23-1616
2025-02-06Bill McGimpseyDavid Wilson309-9
2025-02-06Ralph MackMargie Alley3014-14
2025-02-06Ralph MackDavid Wilson03-3131
2025-02-06Rick KriskaMargie Alley3112-12
2025-02-06Serena LinAyman Elgamal313-3
2025-02-06Nenad BachDavid Teich03-3333
2025-02-06David TeichAditya Daggupati313-3
2025-02-06Nenad BachAyman Elgamal3012-12
2025-02-06Serena LinDavid Teich03-2929
2025-02-06Ayman ElgamalAditya Daggupati3020-20
2025-02-06Nenad BachSerena Lin3021-21
2025-02-06Nenad BachAditya Daggupati309-9
2025-02-06David TeichAyman Elgamal3019-19
2025-02-06Serena LinAditya Daggupati31-11
2025-02-06Brian MoranJames Zou315-5
2025-02-06Alin LitraRasik Mhatre312-2
2025-02-06James ZouRasik Mhatre13-1414
2025-02-06Brian MoranUpneet Shah3110-10
2025-02-06Alin LitraJames Zou3015-15
2025-02-06Upneet ShahRasik Mhatre316-6
2025-02-06Alin LitraBrian Moran323-3
2025-02-06Upneet ShahJames Zou32-11
2025-02-06Brian MoranRasik Mhatre32-33
2025-02-06Alin LitraUpneet Shah13-1717
2025-02-06Peter XuChristine Cha323-3
2025-02-06Bill VogelDave Hill23-1212
2025-02-06Dave HillChristine Cha23-77
2025-02-06Steven LiDave Hill3016-16
2025-02-06Steven LiMilutin Nikodijevic3020-20
2025-02-06Milutin NikodijevicPeter Xu3200
2025-02-06Bill VogelPeter Xu13-2020
2025-02-06Milutin NikodijevicDave Hill03-3030
2025-02-06Yoshi MitsumotoMickey Joseph13-1414
2025-02-06Jacob FinkSammy Fink23-1111
2025-02-06Ai-Li ChangYoshi Mitsumoto3020-20
2025-02-06Jacob FinkMickey Joseph3016-16
2025-02-06Jacob FinkYoshi Mitsumoto3017-17
2025-02-06Ai-Li ChangMickey Joseph3019-19
2025-02-06Sammy FinkYoshi Mitsumoto3022-22
2025-02-06Jacob FinkAi-Li Chang13-1616
2025-02-06Sammy FinkMickey Joseph319-9
2025-02-06Ai-Li ChangSammy Fink13-1515
2025-02-06Ian BanfieldZack Guido3017-17
2025-02-06Taek KimSteve Finn323-3
2025-02-06Ian BanfieldSteve Finn3020-20
2025-02-06Ian BanfieldTaek Kim3022-22
2025-02-06Taek KimZack Guido317-7
2025-02-06Andrey ZakharyashchevZack Guido32-1111
2025-02-06Steve FinnZack Guido3021-21
2025-02-06Andrey ZakharyashchevSteve Finn31-11
2025-02-06Andrey ZakharyashchevTaek Kim32-77
2025-02-06Taek KimMilutin Nikodijevic3013-13
Thursday 6 February 2025
David Teich84
Ian Banfield59
Sammy Fink57
Ai-Li Chang40
Rick Kriska40
Steven Li36
Peter Xu23
Dave Hill19
Upneet Shah12
David Wilson10
Nenad Bach9
Brian Moran9
Rasik Mhatre9
Taek Kim8
Jacob Fink6
Christine Cha4
Alin Litra3
Steve Finn-1
Bill McGimpsey-8
Ayman Elgamal-14
Ralph Mack-17
Andrey Zakharyashchev-19
Margie Alley-25
Mickey Joseph-30
Aditya Daggupati-31
Bill Vogel-32
James Zou-33
Zack Guido-34
Serena Lin-48
Milutin Nikodijevic-63
Yoshi Mitsumoto-73